


Master of Teaching (Secondary) - Digital Technology Education - Dance Education (Coursework)

Course code: #I91



Master of Teaching (Secondary) - Digital Technology Education - Dance Education (Coursework)

Quick facts

  • Annual tuition (2024)

    $36,150 AUD

  • Application fee


  • Duration

    2 years

  • PSW

    4 years

  • Min GPA

    50 out of 100

  • CRICOS code


Professional Practice

These are mandatory and all come with course.


These items are optional and you can choose them as you wish after applying for the course.



Master of Teaching (Secondary) - Digital Technology Education - Dance Education

The Master of Teaching (Secondary) at ECU is a dynamic course dedicated to preparing future teachers for Secondary Education.

Designed specifically to develop professional knowledge in both theory and essential practice within real classrooms, graduates are provided with all the necessary tools to become successful and confident teachers.

This coursework program accommodates "principles and dimensions" of excellence and is delivered through mutually beneficial partnerships between the University and individual schools.

Upon completion, graduates are eligible to teach in a major and minor area of study in secondary schools in both the private and government sectors. 

Graduates will have met the highest standards in personal ethics and practice which the profession demands.

Digital Technology Education Specialisation

This specialisation is designed for students wishing to become secondary digital technology education teachers.

It includes study in computer programming, authoring World Wide Web pages, developing digital media products, and techniques for written, oral and visual communication in educational and technical settings. 

Dance Education Specialisation

Designed for students wishing to become secondary Dance teachers.

Through lectures and practical workshop sessions focusing on dance styles and techniques, students learn how to teach this content effectively as well as learn about the issues and challenges facing dance in secondary schools. 

Internship option

Students will be a scholar in residence at the placement school for two-three days per week.

Practicum requirement

Central to this course is an extensive program of Professional Practice in schools. 

Because of its responsibility for the education, safety and well-being of children in schools, the teaching profession demands the highest professional standards and personal ethics.

Estimate your cost

Count of person


Total costs



Cost of living 1 person $10,620
Accommodation 1 bed room $9,200
Tuition 1 person $36,150

Hourly wage

Min wage

23.23 AUD / 1 hour

in Australia every student can work 48 hour per fortnight

Required documents

  • Academic Transcript
  • Evidence of Academic English Competency
  • Current Resume (CV) or Evidence of Work Experience (If Applicable)
  • Passport or Visa Documents
  • Work Experience Documents (If applicable)

Language requirements

not required
not required









Academic background and requirement

  • Bachelor's degree; or
  • Equivalent prior learning including at least five years of relevant professional experience.

The following course-specific admission requirements are mandatory and must be satisfied by all applicants. 

Professional experience cannot be accepted as an alternative to completion of the bachelor's degree. 

Applicants' non-academic capabilities will be assessed based on the completion of a Non-Academic Requirements for Teacher Entry (NARTE) online questionnaire.

Special entry requirements (Digital Technology Education Specialisation)

All applicants are required to complete a major in computing or computing technology (three years of degree-level study with at least 4 units at level 2 or above) including at least two units that develop skills in information systems, design and development eg database design including relational databases and communication systems/networking, programming in a computer-based language and system analysis, design, development and testing, complete a major in computing or computing technology (three years of degree level study comprising at least 6 units with no more than two at first-year level and no fewer than two units at third-year level) including at least two units that develop skills in information systems, design and development eg database design including relational databases and communication systems/networking, programming in a computer-based language and system analysis, design, development and testing. 

Alternatively, applicants can complete at least two years (4 units) of degree-level studies in computing or computing technology with at least two units at level 2 or above in the previously mentioned areas, if they intend to undertake this specialisation as their minor area of study.

Special entry requirements (Dance Education Specialisation)

All applicants are required to complete a major in dance (three years of degree-level study comprising at least 6 units with no more than two at the first-year level and no fewer than two units at the third-year level) including all of the following: history and analysis of dance, performance, with a technique base in modern/contemporary dance and ballet, applied anatomy and kinesiology, and composition/ choreography. 

Vocationally oriented courses are not recognised as equivalent. 

Alternatively, applicants can complete at least two years (4 units) of degree-level study in dance with at least two units at level 2 or above in the previously mentioned areas, if they intend to undertake this specialisation as their minor area of study.

Career opportunities

  • Digital Dance Education Specialist
  • Secondary Digital Dance Teacher
  • Dance and Digital Technology Educator
  • Secondary Digital Dance Coordinator
  • Digital Learning Facilitator for Secondary Dance Education
  • Technology-Integrated Dance Instructor
  • Secondary Digital Dance Curriculum Developer

Perth weather chart

Perth weather chart

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