
Founded in 1967

Founded in 1967

Algonquin College

Founded in 1967

Founded in 1967

Algonquin College

Quick facts

  • 20000

  • 2625

    International students
  • O19358971022


Algonquin College

Algonquin College is located in Ottawa, Canada’s vibrant, metropolitan and multicultural capital city. The College proudly nurtures a friendly, student-oriented atmosphere.

Students come to Algonquin College from around the world to study English, take second and third-year courses within their area of specialization, and pursue customized skills upgrading and training programs. 

International students experience the Canadian approach to an applied education by studying, working and collaborating with Algonquin College students and faculty in learning, teaching and research. 

Algonquin College is internationally recognized for:

  • Diverse areas of studies that answer the needs of today’s employment market.
  • A focus on applied studies allows students to gain applied skills as well as practical experience.
  • A student-centred approach that promotes success through hands-on, experiential teaching, comprehensive resources, diverse support services, and dedicated faculty and staff.
  • Modern facilities and strategic partnerships ensure students have access to the quality education and skills training required for a rewarding career.

  Fast Facts

  • 200 bachelor degrees, postgraduate, diploma and certificate programs
  • Education that combines theory and practice through hands-on applied learning, team projects and lab work
  • A wireless campus
  • Use of Mobile Learning Technologies: 90% of programs are now mobile: students need to have a mobile computing device
  • Most programs have switched from printed books to e-Texts (lifetime access on your mobile computing device)
  • English language training in an academic environment

On-campus accommodation

Campus list based on university info

Ottawa Campus

Residence fee Duration

$13,650 CAD

UP to $15,660


Residence fee Duration

$3,200 CAD

UP to $7,390

Off-campus accommodation

annual rent in Ottawa
based on univly research


Shared house

$10,740 CAD


Shared house

$7,164 CAD


Entire house

$21,480 CAD


  • Centre for Accessible Learning (CAL)
  • Student Success Specialists
  • The AC Hub (Student Engagement)
  • Test Centre
  • Academic Accommodations
  • Academic Distress Counselling
  • Book Study Space on Campus
  • Library Learning Lab
  • Essential Study Skills (Online Modules)
  • Coaching Lab
  • Library
  • Online and Educational Resources
  • Peer Tutoring
  • Presentation Studio
  • Print on Campus
  • Student Success Specialists
  • Study Skills Workshops
  • Co-Curricular Record
  • Spiritual Support
  • Student Leadership Program
  • The Volunteer Centre
  • ITS Technical Support

Street view

Algonquin College

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