
Founded in 1992

Founded in 1992

International College of Hotel Management

Founded in 1992

Founded in 1992

International College of Hotel Management

Quick facts

  • 02914G

    CRICOS Code

International College of Hotel Management

International College of Hotel Management College is a new breed business school.

ICHM champions ‘learning forward’- focusing on the learning of tomorrow as industry-ready grads. 

Giving young talent the skills, networks and hands-on experience to hit the ground running.

Founded on 30+ years of success as a private higher education provider, ICHM's renowned hospitality in business school, they have broadened its focus with a Bachelor of Business, Bachelor of Business (Marketing) and Entrepreneurship), as well as the well-established Hospitality Bachelor.

Off-campus accommodation

annual rent in Adelaide
based on univly research


Shared house

$9,504 AUD


Shared house

$6,336 AUD


Entire house

$19,008 AUD


  • Two on-campus restaurants
  • Simulated hotel front office
  • Two wine appreciation labs
  • Learning resource centre & library
  • 37 tutorial rooms
  • Four fully equipped bars
  • Two lecture theatres
  • Demonstration kitchen & 8 fully equipped teaching kitchens
  • 4 science labs
  • Dedicated computer suites

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